Second review of Dail debate on Education (Amendment) Bill 2010
This is a review by our Lobbying Officer Conor McGrath of some of the key features of this resumed debate from the perspective of Atheist Ireland, so that we can then go on to think about what sort of briefing we might want to provide at the Committee Stage. (more…)
Letter from Atheist Ireland to Irish Human Rights Commission about Education (Amendment) Bill 2010
Dear Sirs, As the Commission is hosting a conference on Religion and Education; A Human Rights Perspective on November 27th we would like to inform you that Atheist Ireland is objecting to the Education (Amendment) Bill 2010 on the grounds that it will not guarantee and protect the Human Rights ...
Irish Human Rights Commission to host conference on Religion and Education: a Human Rights Perspective
The Irish Human Rights Commission and TCD School of Law will host a joint conference on Saturday 27 November to examine the human rights implications of religion in education. Keynote speakers are Professor Dr. Gerhard Robbers, Institute for Legal Policy, Universitaet Trier, Germany and Professor Dr. Eugenia Maria Relano, Professor ...
Letter from Atheist Ireland to Ombudsman for Children about Education (Amendment) Bill 2010
Dear Ms Logan, In your capacity as advocate for children’s rights we are writing to inform you that Atheist Ireland is objecting to the Education (Amendment) Bill 2010 on the grounds that it will not guarantee and protect the Human Rights of children and non-religious parents in the education system. ...