The constitutional rights of nonreligious parents in Irish schools
Atheist Ireland continues to campaign to protect the constitutional rights of all families in the education system. Parents have positive inalienable rights regarding the education of their children, and nonreligious parents have the same positive rights as religious parents. These rights come under: Article 41.1 and 42.1 “The State recognises ...
Atheist Ireland letter to Public Accounts Committee May 2022
Atheist Ireland wrote this letter to the Public Accounts Committee on 24 May 2022. [pdf-embedder url="" title="AI to PAC 24 May 2022"]
Letter from Public Accounts Committee to Atheist Ireland
The Public Accounts Committee wrote this letter to Atheist Ireland on 17 May 2022. [pdf-embedder url="" title="S0849 PAC33 - Atheist Ireland mtg 28.04.2022"]
Letter from Atheist Ireland to Dept of Education after Meeting re Misuse of Public Funds
This is a letter from Atheist Ireland to the Department of Education on 17 May 2022, after our meeting re Misuse of Public Funds on 6 May 2022. Thank you again for our meeting on Friday 6 May regarding the misuse of public funds, and we look forward to meeting ...
Atheist Ireland meeting with Department of Education and NCCA May 2022
Atheist Ireland met with Department of Education and NCCA on 6 May 2022 to discuss the misuse of public funds with regard to the teaching of religion in Irish schools. This is the presentation that we made to that meeting. [pdf-embedder url="" title="AI Dept Ed Mtg Slides"]
New research report confirms discrimination against atheist teachers
A new cross-border research survey supports the argument that Atheist Ireland has made for years: that non-religious teachers are hiding or suppressing their beliefs in schools with a religious ethos for fear of the impact on their careers. Chris Hind, Atheist Ireland Teachers Officer, says: “This discrimination against atheist teachers ...