Atheist Ireland letter to Comptroller and Auditor General December 2022
Atheist Ireland wrote this letter to the Comptroller and Auditor General on 5 December 2022. [pdf-embedder url="" title="AI to CAG Dec 2022"]
Atheist Ireland letter to Public Accounts Committee December 2022
Atheist Ireland wrote this letter to the Public Accounts Committee on 5 December 2022. [pdf-embedder url="" title="AI to PAC Dec 2022"]
Parents, not church or state, have the right to provide religious and moral education
The Catholic Bishops wrote to the Dept of Education in 2018, in relation to Circular Letter 0013/2018 issued by the Department of Education. This Circular obliged ETB schools to give students another subject if they exercised their right to not attend religious instruction. It recognised that schools should offer students ...
The state must protect the constitutional right to not attend religious instruction in schools
The Department of Education interferes in the Constitutional rights of parents through the NCCA second level Religious Education course. This course seeks to develop values in students to enable them to see the relevance of religion to their lives and relationships. When parents seek to exercise their Constitutional right for ...
Atheist Ireland letter to Public Accounts Committee October 2022
Atheist Ireland wrote this letter to the Public Accounts Committee on 18 October 2022 [pdf-embedder url="" title="AI to PAC Oct 2022"]
Department of Education misusing public funds by ignoring constitutional rights
Since last December, Atheist Ireland has been lobbying to vindicate the constitutional right to not attend religious instruction in schools, and to uphold parental authority in the education of their children, which the Supreme Court has described as a foundational pillar of the Constitution. You can read details here of our correspondence ...
Public Accounts Committee letter to Atheist Ireland October 2022
The Public Accounts Committee wrote this letter to Atheist Ireland 10 October 2022. [pdf-embedder url="" title="PAC to AI Oct 2022"]
Atheist Ireland submission to UN on combating intolerance based on religion or belief
Atheist Ireland has made the following submission to the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights who is preparing report on combating intolerance against persons based on religion or belief. Contents 1. Background to Atheist Ireland 2. Our recommendations 3. The UN and States should use the phrase ‘religion or belief’ consistently ...
Atheist Ireland, Evangelical Alliance, and Ahmadi Muslims update the UN on rights of children
Atheist Ireland, the Evangelical Alliance of Ireland, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Ireland, made a joint submission to the UN Children's Rights Committee as it prepares to question Ireland next January. You can read that submission here. We also met with the UN Committee last week in Geneva, along ...
Is the Catholic Church really moving sacramental preparation out of schools?
Reports that the Catholic Church in Dublin is to start moving the preparation of children for sacraments out of the classroom are welcome, but they are exaggerated when compared to the full policy document published by the Archdiocese. The full policy document says that schools will continue to “educate children ...