State Religious Schools /Designated Community Colleges
Irish State runs “multi-denominational” religious ethos schools on bishops’ behalf
Education & Training Boards manage religious schools on behalf of the Catholic Church. Designated Community Colleges are religious and operate with a religious ethos. These Colleges are under the full patronage of Education and Training Boards and operate under the Model Agreement. This is an agreement signed between the ETB and a local Bishop or Religious congregation. They are referred to as State multi-Denominational Colleges, there is religious worship and instruction in the colleges and they have a specific religious ethos.
Human Rights law does not oblige any state to fund religious schools let alone provide religious education in public schools. In Savez Crkava “Rijec Zivota and Others v Croatia 9th March 2011 the European Court stated that:-
“57. Likewise, the right to manifest religion in teaching guaranteed by Article 9 § 1 of the Convention does not, in the Court’s view, go so far as to entail an obligation on States to allow religious education in public schools or nurseries.”
If the State decides to voluntarily provide Religious Education and Instruction in schools then it is obliged to do so without discrimination.
“The Court reiterates in this connection that the prohibition of discrimination enshrined in Article 14 of the Convention applies also to those additional rights, falling within the wider ambit of any Convention Article, for which the State has voluntarily decided to provide. Consequently, the State, which has gone beyond its obligations under Article 9 of the Convention in creating such rights cannot, in the application of those rights, take discriminatory measures within the meaning of Article 14. It follows that, although Croatia is not obliged under Article 9 of the Convention to allow religious education in public schools and nurseries or to recognise religious marriages, the facts of the instant case nevertheless fall within the wider ambit of that Article.”
In Ireland we have:-
1. Publicly funded religious (denominational) schools.
2. We also have publicly funded Community Schools and Comprehensive schools. The Supreme Court referred to these schools as denominational in nature.
3. Then we have State multi-Denominational schools that operate with a specific religious ethos which are referred to as multi-Denominational. They also have Religious Worship and Instruction. These are called Designated Community Colleges.
4. Last but not least we have State non-Denominational schools/multi Denominational that have Religious Worship and Instruction, these are called non-Designated Community Colleges.
In Ireland the terms Denominational, multi-Denominational, Interdenominational and non-Denominational are not legally defined. In 2007 the Dept of Education listed second level schools as follow:-
Catholic 372
Church of Ireland 25
Interdenominational 334
Jewish 1
Quaker 1
Interdenominational schools are Christians schools and in 2007 all VEC (now ETB) schools and colleges in Ireland were registered as Interdenominational. For no apparent reason other than it sounds better, their designation has changed from Interdenominational to multi-Denominational or non-Denominational. The Dept of Education stopped publishing the designation of schools in Ireland a few years ago but it was once available for all to see.
At this stage you should be getting the picture. From an atheist/secular point of view all second level schools are religious. As well as Religious Instruction many of these schools also provide the Religious Education course under the curriculum.
There is a state Religious Education Course at second level which is supposed to be for all religion and none, it is not up to human rights standards. This Religious Education course is not in compliance with the Toledo Guiding Principles as the Catholic Church has rejected them. See “The Catholic Church rejects teaching about religions and beliefs in an objective, critical and pluralistic manner.”
Teachers are trained in the Mater Dei Institute where the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin is the Patron. It is also a college of Dublin City University. With the help of the State the Catholic Church in Ireland has control over teacher training at second level. (circular 1979)
Any type of Religious Education is subject to the authority of the Catholic Church even if it is supposed to be for all religions and none.
“The Catholic religious instruction and education which are imparted in any schools whatsoever are subject to the authority of the Church […]. It is for the conference of bishops to issue general norms about this field of action and for the diocesan bishop to regulate and watch over it” (c. 804 §1 CIC; cf. also, c. 636 CCEO).
As far as we can ascertain nearly all teaching posts for Religious Education in second level must be approved by the Church. In Catholic schools, in Community Schools under the Deeds of Trust, in Designated Community Colleges under the Model Agreement and in non-Designated Community Colleges under Circular Letter 73/74.
The Toledo Guiding Principles state that:-
“Furthermore, while it is important to ensure that representatives of religious communities are allowed to give input and advice, this should not be taken to the extreme of giving them too much decision-making power at the cost of abdicating state responsibility. The European Court of Human Rights has made it clear that excessive involvement of religious authorities from one community in decisions that affect the rights of those belonging to another community may itself amount to a violation of the right to freedom of religion or belief”(page 65)
In Ireland we claim to have a Religious Education course under the curriculum that is open to all religions and none. Despite this the Catholic Church has control over the appointment of Religious Education teachers in nearly all second level schools as they must give approval for their appointment and teachers are trained in the Mater Dei Institute.
Unless you want to become a missionary on behalf of the Catholic Church there is no point in training to teach the State Religious Education course. Try declaring at an interview that you are an atheist and see how far you would get.
As far as we are aware there are approx forty Designated Community Colleges and nearly all of them have a Catholic ethos. Castleknock Community College discriminates in access on religious grounds by giving preference to Church of Ireland families in the area. The reason given is that, “There is no non-fee paying Church of Ireland school in North-West Dublin.” The Model Agreement is with the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin but the College gives priority to Church of Ireland families. Now figure that one out.
In 2010 the IVEA informed a Dail Committee that:-
Through the statutory capacity and flexibility of VECs to work with other educational bodies and agencies, VECs have also developed the second level Designated Community College model through co-trusteeship with former patrons, including Catholic and Protestant church authorities. There are 40 such Designated Community Colleges throughout Ireland. In this model, a Deed of Trust provides guarantees in terms of school ethos and culture.
A parent send us a copy of a letter written by the Archbishop of Dublin to schools in 2008. It is clear from the letter that the Catholic Church has control over religion in Designated Community Colleges and that there is also a specific religious ethos. It refers to Community Schools and Designated Community Colleges as ‘our’ schools. Dermot Martin Religious Education Letter March 2008
As this is the time of year for the drafting of school timetables for the next academic year. I wish to remind you of the need to ensure that two hours teaching time per week is allocated to Religious Education classes (Guidelines for the Formation and Development of Catholic Students, Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference 1999 p.10).
This is the policy of the Irish Bishops’ Conference and CORI in relation to Catholic “Secondary Schools. It is also a provision of the Deed of Trust of the Community Schools and a provision of the Model Agreement for designated Community Colleges.
The Department of Education and Science, through the NCCA, have also stipulated that two hours is the minimum requirement for teaching the religious educations syllabus for examination at Junior Certificate Level. I know there are many demands on the school curriculum but this issue is critical, not least in relation to the ethos of our schools.
As you can see in Denominational Schools and State schools the Religious Education Course under the curriculum is combined with Catholic Religious Instruction. Many schools make this course compulsory and parents cannot opt out their children even in the State schools.
As well as Religious worship and instruction and a religious ethos the State also pays the salary of Chaplains in these colleges. This is where some the nine million of taxpayers money is going every year. Chaplains are trained to:-
Exhibit a depth awareness of contemporary culture. Be able to respond creatively, appropriately and sensitively to the ‘moments’ in people’s lives in which there is an openness to the invitation to full human development and religious, moral and spiritual awakening.
If you were wondering where the terms “full human development”, come from have a look here.
In this Republic we have publicly funded religious schools and State religious schools where religious instruction has in many cases become a compulsory subject. Despite the fact that there is Catholic religious instruction and worship in nearly every second level school in the country the Catholic Church is still tightening its grip by warning about the secularisation of Catholic schools. It is hard to understand which schools they are worried about as they seem to be in control of nearly every school in this Republic.
The following is a sample of the Model Agreement between ETB (VEC) and the Archdiocese of Dublin.
Religion comes under Section 12 (i) of this Agreement:-
12. (i) In exercising its general control over the curriculum and conduct of the College the Board shall ensure that there is religious worship and religious instruction for the pupils in the College except for such pupils whose parents make a request in writing to the Principal that those pupils should be withdrawn from religious worship or religious instruction or both religious worship and religious instruction.
Model Agreement for Community Colleges
Instrument of Management
For Community College.
1. (a) In this Instrument the following expressions shall where the context so admits have the meanings respectively assigned to them in this clause, that is to say:
“The Minister” means the Minister for Education for the time being.
“The Committee” means the County Dublin Vocational Education Committee.
“The Board” means the Board of Management hereby constituted.
“The Principal” means the Principal teacher of the College for the time being.
“The Chief Executive Officer” means the Chief Executive Officer for the time being of the Vocational Education Committee.
2. The Board shall be responsible for the government and direction of the College subject to the provisions of the First and Second Schedules thereof.
3. (a) The Board of the College when constituted shall consist of ten members nominated or elected as follows:
(i) Three members shall be nominated by the appropriate Religious Authority these three nominees being hereafter referred to as “The Archbishop’s Nominees”.
(ii) Three members shall be nominated by the Vocational Education Committee hereinafter referred to as the “The Committee’s Nominees”.
(iii) Two parents of children who are enrolled in the College shall be elected to membership of the Board by the parents of the aforementioned pupils.
One of the Parents’ nominees shall be a mother. The parents so elected are hereinafter referred to as “The Parents’ Nominees”.
(iv) Two members of the teaching staff shall be elected by all the permanent whole-time teachers serving in the school at the time and acting as one body for the purpose of such election. The teachers so elected are hereinafter referred to as “The Teachers’ Nominees”.
(v) Minority religious representation on Boards of Management will be considered by the Vocational Education Committee where requests for representation are received.
A person nominated to represent a minority religious group(s) will fill an additional place.
(vi) The Principal of the College or in his/her absence the Vice-Principal shall be entitled to attend and speak at meetings of the Board but shall not have a vote nor be entitled to vote.
The Principal shall be the permanent Secretary of the Board and in his/her absence the Vice-Principal shall act as Secretary.
(vii) The members nominated and elected as prescribed shall remain members until the 31st day of August in the third year after the date when their Board was first constituted to the intent that the term of membership of any Board of Management shall not exceed three years.
(viii) A vacancy occurring in the membership of the Board shall be filled by a member nominated or elected by the body who had nominated or elected the person who had ceased to be a member.
(ix) The term of office of a Board shall be deemed to expire on the 31st day of August in the third year after the Board was constituted.
(x) The nomination and election of members of an incoming Board shall be made and done at least one month before the date of expiry of the term of office of the then existing Board and the Board so constituted shall assume office forthwith on that expiry date.
(xi) Members of the existing Board or of former Boards shall be eligible for nomination or election provided that they have retained their qualification for such nomination or election.
(xii) A unanimous decision of the full Board of Management to increase the membership of the Board by one, subject to a maximum of twelve, will be considered by the Vocational Education Committee.
(b) The voting members of the Board shall at their first meeting in each year elect one of their number as Chairman of their meetings for that year. An election for Chairman shall thereafter take place annually.
If the Chairman shall be absent from any meeting, the voting members present shall, before any other business is transacted, choose one of their number to preside at that meeting.
(c) Where the Board is established before a Principal is appointed the Board shall appoint one of its members to act as Secretary for the time being.
(d) “Year” means each period of twelve months commencing on the first day of September in each year.
Members of First Board and First Meeting
4. (a) The first meeting of the Board shall be summoned by the Vocational Education Committee within one month after it has been constituted.
Members of the Board not Financially Interested in the College
5. Except in special circumstances with the approval in writing of the Minister no member of the Board shall take or hold any interest in any property held or used for the purposes of the College or receive any remuneration for his services as a member of the Board, or be interested in the supply of work or goods to or for the purposes of the College.
Determination of Membership of the Board
6. (a) Any member of the Board who is absent from all meetings of the Board during the period of one year, except for reasons approved by the Board, or who is incapacitated from acting, or who communicates in writing to the Secretary of the Board a wish to resign shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Board.
(b) Any member of the Board may be removed from office by his nominator or by the electorate in the case of parents’ nominees and the teachers’ nominees provided ten school days notice is given to the respective electorate of a meeting to discuss the matter.
Rescinding Resolutions
7. Any resolution of the Board may be rescinded or varied at a subsequent meeting if not less than three days notice of the intention to rescind or vary the same, and of the terms of the proposed rescinding or varying resolution has been given in writing to all the members of the Board.
Provided that if the resolution proposed to be rescinded or varied was passed during the previous six months, the notice shall be signed by three members of the Board.
8. (a) Five voting members shall be required to form a quorum for a meeting of the Board.
(b) If at the time appointed for a meeting a sufficient number of members to form a quorum is not present, or if at any meeting the business is not completed, the meeting shall stand adjourned sine die and a special meeting shall be summoned as soon as may be convenient.
(c) Any meeting may be adjourned by resolution.
Meeting of Board
9. (a) The Board shall in addition to holding a meeting at least once in every school term hold such other meetings as may be necessary for the efficient discharge of its functions.
(b) A meeting of the Board may be convened at the request of any five of its voting members.
Convening of Meeting
10. (a) Seven clear days at least before a meeting of the Board, a notice to attend the meeting, specifying the business to be transacted thereat, and signed by the Secretary, shall be left at, or sent by post to the usual place of residence of each member of the Board.
Provided that in the case of a meeting of the Board requested by any five of its voting members, in accordance with paragraph 9(b) above, the aforesaid request shall be signed by the five members convening the meeting.
(b) The names of the members present at a meeting of the Board shall be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.
Minutes of Meeting
11. The Minutes of the proceedings of the Board shall be kept by the Secretary. The Minutes shall be open to inspection by the Minister and the Board shall forthwith forward a copy of the Minutes of any meeting to the Vocational Education Committee.
12. The expression “Parents” in this document should be taken to include “Legal Guardians”.
Articles of Management
For Community College
1. The College shall be managed by a Sub-Committee established under Section 21 sub-section 1 of the Vocational Education Act 1930, with the object of providing a comprehensive system of post-primary education open to all the children of the community, combining instruction in academic and practical subjects, and ongoing education for persons living in the area in which the College is located and generally for the purpose of contributing towards the spiritual, moral, mental and physical well-being and development of the said Community. The College shall be conducted in accordance with the following articles.
2. (i) The Board shall submit to the Chief Executive Officer before the 30th day of April in each year an estimate in such form as the Chief Executive Officer may require of the income and expenditure required for the College during the following financial year. Due provision shall be incorporated in the Committee’s Annual Financial Scheme and submitted to the Department of Education.
(ii) On receipt of Department’s annual financial allocation, the Vocational Education Committee shall allocate a budget to the College.
The Board shall be free to enter into commitments to the extent of the budget without further reference to the Committee subject only to compliance with the Accounts Audit Procedure and Contract Regulations.
The Board shall not exceed the amount approved by the Vocational Education Committee under any head of the estimates for any year without the previous consent of the Committee.
The Board shall open and maintain a Bank Account and shall make petty cash disbursements in the name of the College. Cheques drawn on the College’s account shall be signed by the Principal and by a member of a Panel the members of which shall be nominated for that purpose by the Board. The Board may nominate a substitute for the Principal to sign cheques drawn on such account if at any time the Principal is unable to do so.
(iii) On behalf of the Board the Committee shall pay the salaries of the full-time and part-time teaching staff and non teaching staff of the College in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Education in force from time to time.
(iv) The Committee shall provide from time to time, up to an amount to be agreed with the Board, moneys for the School Fund to be placed to the credit of the said Bank account.
(v) The Board shall make a return to the Committee supported by the necessary vouchers of all disbursements made out of the College Fund and shall comply with any directions which may from time to time be given by the Committee relating to accounts or financial records and statements.
Premises and Equipment
3. (i) The Committee shall be responsible for the erection of the College buildings and for the development of the College premises and shall be responsible for expenditure on the initial equipping of the College (furniture, books and apparatus in the College and other College materials).
(ii) The Board shall be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the College premises out of annual financial allocation provided for that purpose by the Committee.
(iii) The Board shall in consultation with the Principal be responsible for carrying out minor repairs and for the choice and replacement of books, stationery, furniture apparatus and other materials for the College and such articles may within the limits of the estimates approved for any year by the Committee and subject to such regulations as the Committee shall from time to time prescribe be ordered by the Board who may delegate their functions in this respect to the Principal subject to such conditions as they may think fit to impose.
(iv) Receipts for equipment and other articles ordered for the purpose of the College shall be signed only by the Principal or such other person or persons nominated for that purpose by the board.
(v) The Committee will make payment for expenditure incurred upon receipt of certified accounts from the Board or the Principal.
4. The Board shall have an inventory of stock in the College taken annually and shall consider the same and shall submit a report thereon to the Committee.
5. (a) The Board shall concern itself with the condition and state of repair of the College premises.
(b) With respect of major repairs to an alteration of the College premises, the work shall be subject to the prior approval of the Committee and carried out under the direction of the Committee’s Architect.
(c) The Board shall determine the uses for Community purposes of the College buildings or grounds at times which will not effect school work. Regulations and conditions governing the uses of the premises for Community purposes shall be prepared by the Board for approval of the Committee and shall be subject to alteration from time to time with the approval of the Committee.
Selection and Appointment of Staff
6.1 (a) The decision of the Board in relation to the assignment of teachers to the College shall be subject to the prior approval of the Committee.
(b) The qualifications for appointments to the teaching staff shall be such as a re stipulated from time to time by the Minister.
6.2 The appointment of teaching staff shall confirm to the following procedure:
(i) Vacancies for teaching posts to be notified to the Chief Executive Officer.
(ii) Applications for a vacant post shall be sought by the Committee by way of advertisement in the public press.
(iii) The applications received for the vacant post(s) shall be considered by the Chief Executive Officer who shall forward them to the Selection Board of five persons constituted from time to time and comprising two representatives of the appropriate Religious Authority, two representatives of the Vocational Education Committee, an inspector of the Department nominated by the Minister. The Chief Executive Officer or his nominee to assist the Board in an advisory capacity. In the case of initial appointments the Principal may also assist the Board in an advisory capacity. The aforesaid members shall constitute the full composition of the Selection Board. The minimum composition of the Selection Board shall be three members; one representative of the Religious Authority, one representative of the V.E.C. and an Inspector of the Department of Education. The Chairman shall be agreed by the persons aforesaid from among their own number and shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie. All remaining members of the Vocational Education Committee shall be eligible to act as substitutes if the two named members of the Selection Board are unable to attend.
(iv) The Selection Board shall draw up a short list from the applications received and shall interview the candidates on that short list.
(v) The Selection Board shall thereafter place the candidates on the short list in order of merit and shall submit that list to the Board of Management who in turn shall forward the list to the Committee.
(vi) The Committee shall have regard to the order of merit settled by the Selection Board and shall make appointments in accordance therewith save where in any particular instance the Committee shall consider there is good and sufficient reason for not making an appointment or for departing from the said order of merit in which event the Committee shall submit the matter to the Minister for determination.
Before assuming the duties of the Post the teacher shall sign conditions of service in accordance with the provisions of Memo V.7.
Non-Teaching Staff
8. The non-teaching staff of the College, including persons employed for the care and maintenance of the school premises, shall be appointed to an dismissed from the service of the Board by the Committee subject to any directions which may be given by the Minister with regard to the number and condition of service of such staff.
Organisation and Curriculum
9. Subject to the provisions of the Minister as to the general educational character of the College and its place in the educational system the Board shall have the general direction of the conduct and curriculum of the College. The Board shall arrange for the setting up of a Staff Council consisting of all whole-time teachers of the College under the Chairmanship of the Principal.
Staff Council
10. (i) The Staff Council will consider the curriculum arrangements of the school and may make recommendations to the Board regarding the extension of the subject range, arranging of the timetable and the provision of school equipment.
(ii) The Staff Council may, on request, advise the Board of any educational or other problem which the Board may put before it. The Council may, on its own initiative, make submissions to the Board on any educational or other matter connected with the school.
(iii) At the first meeting of the Staff Council the members shall determine the time and day of its meetings provided that such meetings shall not occur less than six times in each year.
11. Subject to the provisions of these articles and to the direction of the Board, the Principal shall control the internal organisation, management and discipline of the College, shall exercise supervision over the teaching and non-teaching staff. He shall have power, for any cause which he or she judges adequate to dismiss subject to the approval of the Board or to suspend pupils from attendance for not more than ten schools days or until the following meeting of the Board whichever is the shorter but on the dismissal or suspension of any pupil the parent shall be informed that he or she has the right to appeal to the Board.
12. (i) In exercising its general control over the curriculum and conduct of the College the Board shall ensure that there is religious worship and religious instruction for the pupils in the College except for such pupils whose parents make a request in writing to the Principal that those pupils should be withdrawn from religious worship or religious instruction or both religious worship and religious instruction.
(ii) The religious worship attended by any pupil at the College and the religious instruction given to any pupil shall be in accordance with the rights, practice and teaching of the religious denomination to which the pupil belongs. Religious instruction as aforesaid of the order of 2 hours shall be given to all the pupils in the College (except those who are withdrawn from religious instruction in accordance with the provisions of sub-clause (i) of this clause) in each week during which the College is in session.
(iii) If any question arises whether the religious worship conducted or the religious instruction given at the College is or is not in accordance with the rites, practice and teaching of a religious denomination that question shall be determined by the competent religious authority.
(iv) The Principal shall be immediately responsible for making arrangements for all the religious worship conducted and for the religious instruction given at the College and for the attendance of pupils thereat.
(v) The Committee and the Board shall ensure that there are at all times sufficient teachers in the school to give religious instruction. Depending on circumstances and requirements, teachers of religion may be appointed in a permanent whole-time, temporary whole-time or part-time capacity.
(vi) For purposes of the appointment of a teacher of religion on a permanent whole-time basis, the same procedures shall apply as apply to the permanent whole-time appointment of a teacher of any other subject. The post shall be advertised in the public press, the applications shall be considered by a duly constituted Selection Board, the Selection Board shall make a recommendation to the Committee which shall submit the proposed appointment for the formal approval of the Minister.
(vii) For the purposes of satisfying the Selection Committee the Board of Management and the Committee that the selected candidate for appointment would be acceptable to the appropriate religious authority, confirmation of the candidate’s suitability shall be provided by the catechetical inspectorate. The selected candidate shall not be permitted to take up the duties of the post, until the Minister’s formal approval of the appointment has been communicated in writing to the Committee.
(viii) In the event that at any time a permanent whole-time teacher of religion, lay or religious, should cease to be regarded as suitable for that purpose by the catechetical inspectorate, then the Committee shall take steps to transfer the teacher to other teaching duties for which he/she is qualified. It will then be the immediate responsibility of the Committee to make alternative arrangements for religious instruction in consultation with the catechetical inspectorate.
(ix) Recognition as temporary whole-time or part-time teachers of religion may be accorded to priests and to any other persons, lay or religious who are suitably qualified for the purpose. The Committee shall be authorised to make such appointments with the formal approval of the Minister, on the nomination of the appropriate religious authority and to terminate them if and when necessary, in accordance with the wishes of that authority.
(x) The Committee will appoint a Chaplain nominated by the competent Religious Authority who shall be employed outside the normal quota of the school. He shall be a full-time member of the staff and shall be paid a salary equivalent to that of a teacher in the school.
Suitable arrangements will be made for members of other Religions in consultation with the appropriate authorities.
(xi) Inspection of the teaching of religion shall be the responsibility of the catechetical inspectorate. Such inspection shall be carried out in consultation with the Board and shall be conducted in accordance with agreed procedures.
13. The Board shall forward to the Committee such returns and reports as the Minister may require.
14. (i) The Committee shall insure against Fire Damage to the Buildings of the College and against occupiers’ liability.
(ii) The Committee shall indemnity the Board and the teaching and non-teaching staff in respect of actions claims or demands taken or made against them arising out of the proper discharge of their duties whether in respect of pupils or otherwise.
(iii) The Committee shall insure in respect of visitors, parents and other members of the public who have permission from the Board or the Committee to be on the College premises in respect of such risks as may be incurred by them while acting in a normal manner on such premises.
(iv) The Committee shall provide insurance to indemnify the Board or the teaching and non-teaching staff against claims by visitors, parents or other members of the public who without permission shall be on the College premises where such claims shall be made in circumstances which do not disclose a default or wrongful act on the part of the Board or the members of the staff against whom such claims are made.
The expression “parents” in this document should be taken to include “legal guardians”.
THIS AGREEMENT made the day of One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty One. BETWEEN THE COUNTY DUBLIN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE having its Head Office at Main Road, Tallaght in the County of Dublin (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee” which expression shall where the context so admits or requires include its Successors and Assigns) of the One Part AND his Grace Most Reverend DERMOT RYAN, ARCHBISHOP OF DUBLIN of Archbishops House, Drumcondra in the City of Dublin (hereinafter referred to as “the Archbishop” which expression shall where the context so admits or requires include his Successors) of the Other Part WHEREAS The Committee is desirous to confirm that it wishes the Archbishop to participate through his duly and regularly appointed representatives in the organisation and management of the Community College at
And Whereas it is desired that this participation should continue indefinitely and without interruption And Whereas for the purposes aforesaid there are now in existence in agreed and approved forms Articles of management and an Instrument of Management Now it is Hereby Agreed between the Committee and the Archbishop participate in the organisation and management of the said Community College in manner aforesaid the Committee HEREBY confirms that it is its wish and intention that this participation will continue indefinitely and without interruption In Witness Whereof the official Seal of the Committee has been affixed hereto The Hand and Seal of Archbishop the day and year first herein WRITTEN:
PRESENT when the Official Seal of the COUNTY DUBLIN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE was affixed hereto:
SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED by the said Most Reverend DERMOT RYAN in the presence of:
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