Help change the Irish Penal Law of 2015: end discrimination against teachers who are atheist
The Irish Government is proposing a Bill to protect LGBT teachers, while allowing discrimination against atheist and minority faith teachers. Atheist Ireland is campaigning to change this Bill so that it protects all teachers equally.
This is a rare opportunity to change an unjust law and promote equality. here’s how you can help.
- Share this image and link widely on social media
- Become familiar with the law and its problems.
- Contact your local TDs and Government Ministers
- Volunteer to help with our campaign to change this law
- Donate to our campaign to change this law
For further information on how to help, please email us at humanrights@atheist.ie
How the Government Bill is flawed
To become familiar with the proposed law and its problems, please read the following articles on http://atheist.ie.
- Atheist Ireland to lobby EU, as Irish State says EU sanctions discrimination against atheist teachers
- Education Minister Jan O’Sullivan does not have a photographic memory of atheists
- Labour Party forgets its pledge to protect atheist teachers
- Another UN Committee tells Ireland to end all religious discrimination in education
The Government is arguing that the proposed law is a step forward, but if you read the detail you will find that it is reinforcing and institutionalising the right to discriminate against atheists.
There is also a different Bill before the Dail, proposed by the Anti Austerity Alliance TDs, that addresses the problems in a way that would protect all teachers equally.
This is a rare opportunity to change an unjust law and promote equality. Please help us to do so. For further information on how to help, please email us at humanrights@atheist.ie.
It is not necessarily bnwiog down, the Irish people were oppressed and most lost fluency in Gaelic. It takes time to regain a laguage, efforts have been made. Plus, the English spoken is its own (special)unique creation not a copy of London English