Government Schools Bill continues to ignore the rights of children
The Education (Admissions to Schools) Bill went through the second stage in the Dail yesterday. This Bill will not remove religious discrimination in our Education system. The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission and the Ombudsman for Children have both recommended that religious discrimination be removed from our education system as it undermines the human rights of parents and their children. Unfortunately this government are not listening, and will continue to deny minorities their right to freedom of conscience, religion and belief and equality before the law without religious discrimination.
Ruth Coppinger TD made a comprehensive speech outlining the failings of the Bill and how it it undermines the rights of parents and their children to freedom of conscience, religion and belief. The speech also refers to access to schools and delivery of the State Curriculum in an objective, critical and pluralistic manner. This reflects the recommendations of the Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission. Here is a link to the speech in opposition to the Bill by Ruth Coppinger TD
In the education system in Ireland, Atheist and Secular families, as well as religious minorities, are denied their right to respect for their religious and philosophical convictions. Our children are second class citizens in this republic.
The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission made a submission on the Bill to the Minister for Education, Richard Bruton. They made recommendations on the areas that need amending in order that Ireland live up to its human rights obligations. IHREC is a statutory body whose remit is to uphold Constitutional and Human Rights. They would not have made these Recommendations if they believed that they were unconstitutional.
You can read the IHREC Submission here.
The Ombudsman for Children has also made recommendations in relation to access to schools.
You can read the Ombudsman for Children Submission here.
Please continue to lobby your TD’s about this Bill, and ask them to remove religious discrimination in the Education System.
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