Crowdfunding appeal – help us to expose religious ethos in State Schools
Please donate now to the crowdfunding appeal at this link to help expose the extent of religious ethos in State Schools in Ireland.
Atheist Ireland has recently exposed, using Freedom of Information law, that some State-run schools in Ireland have a Catholic ethos, and refuse to let children opt out from religious education classes. These are not even the schools that are run by the Catholic Church. They are schools run directly by the State, that are supposed to be the alternative to the Catholic-run schools.
RTE covered this important story, and the Minister for Education was asked about it in the Dail. We are now trying to get the same information about similar State-run schools in other parts of Ireland. But the Education and Training Boards that run the schools are charging us large fees to process our Freedom of Information requests. We have asked eight ETBs and some of them are charging us €500 each to get this information.
This means that we might end up being asked for €4,000 to get important information about State-run schools, which we believe should already be in the public domain so that parents know how our schools work. Please donate to help us get this information, to make our education system more accountable, and to help stop State-run schools from evangelising and indoctrinating children into Catholicism.
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