Is your local ETB school offering an alternative subject to religion? Contact Atheist Ireland and let us know
Atheist Ireland, the Evangelical Alliance of Ireland, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Ireland, will be meeting the Department of Education again in September, to discuss the recent directive regarding religion in ETB schools.
We would like to be able to bring as much information to that meeting as possible, about what is happening on the ground in ETB schools and colleges.
In February this year, the Department of Education issued a Circular Letter regarding religion in ETB schools. You can find that Circular Letter here Circular Letter RSE 0037 2010
Atheist Ireland, the Evangelical Alliance of Ireland, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Ireland, met the Department of Education while they were preparing this directive.
At that meeting, the Department told us that the Circular Letter will oblige ETB schools and colleges to implement the following:
- Students can opt out of religious instruction and choose another curriculum subject.
- Students can opt out of the State Religious Education curriculum (exam subject) and choose another curriculum subject.
- Students can opt out of combined religious instruction and the State Religious Education course and choose another curriculum subject.
We are now asking parents and students to contact us, and let us know how your ETB is implementing the new Circular Letter.
We would like to know the name of the ETB school, and whether or not the school has implemented the above three scenarios.
The Circular Letter applies to ETB Community Schools, Designated and Non-designated Community Colleges.
You can contact Jane Donnelly at email
You can read our articles on this New Circular Letter on the links below
New directive on religious instruction will change the culture of ETB schools
Atheist Ireland, Evangelical Alliance, Ahmadi Muslims welcome opt-out from religion in ETB schools
Atheist Ireland welcomes proposed opt-out from religious instruction in ETB schools
The right to opt out of the State Religious Education course in ETB secondary schools
How the State Religious Education Course breaches Human and Constitutional Rights
Despite TUI claims, the Directive on alternatives to religious education can be implemented
Atheist Ireland asks TUI to withdraw threat to undermine the rights of parents and children
Atheist Ireland response to Mater Dei/DCU appeal to talk about Religious Education
How the State Religious Education course disrespects the rights of atheist and secular families
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