The State Religious Education course is Religious Instruction, and is not objective

ETB schools are trying to evade the Department of Education directive to give students an alternative subject to religion, by claiming that the directive applies only to Religious Instruction and not to the State course in Religious Education.

But what is referred to in Ireland as Religious Education is known internationally as Religious Instruction.

In Ireland, the Catholic Church has controlled how we view Religious Education, because it supports their privileged position and gives them room to continue to indoctrinate and evangelise.

This view of Religious Education undermines the academic subject of Education about Religions, Beliefs, and Ethics. The Catholic Church has already stopped the introduction of this course at primary level.

The State Religious Education course at second level is not objective, and was never meant to be. How can parents trust schools that continue to disregard their right to opt out of the State Religious Education course and pick another subject?

Undermining the conscientious objections of parents to this second level Religious Education course is an example of how this course has failed to deliver.

It is dividing and undermining respect, diversity, and pluralism. It will continue to do so until the rights of minorities are guaranteed and protected.


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