Back to school and back to fighting for your rights
Children are heading back to school, and parents are again left in the position that they must negotiate their Constitutional rights with the school. This is what minorities have to put up with in our Republic.
Schools give no practical application to our Constitutional rights, and the Department of Education, NCCA, Patron bodies, schools and teachers decide for parents what is or is not suitable religious and moral education for their children. Our children are just enrolled into various types of religious and ethical courses that are against our conscience.
Parents have a Constitutional right under Article 44.2.4 to ensure that their children do not attend any type of religious teaching. That includes any Patron’s programme and also the syllabus Religious Education at second level.
Here is a link to an overview of what is happening on the ground in schools and our campaign to ensure that the constitutional right to not attend religious instruction is given practical application on the ground.
You will also find in the above link sample letters to send to all types of schools including denominational, ETBs at second level and Community National Schools at primary level.
Our recent article on syllabus Religious Education will give you an overview of why syllabus Religious Education is indoctrination and undermines the rights of non religious parents. Schools have absolutely no right to force your child to take this course.
If you need any assistance or any further information please contact humanrights@atheist.ie
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