Public Accounts Committee letter to Atheist Ireland November 2022
The Public Accounts Committee wrote this letter to Atheist Ireland on 22 November 2022. [pdf-embedder url="" title="S1082 PAC33 Atheist Ireland mtg 27.10.2022"]
How our courts define parents’ rights, and religious education, formation, and instruction
The Department of Education, the NCCA, Patron bodies, schools and teachers define the terms religious education, religious formation and religious instruction according to their own views on the meaning of these terms. Their definitions are not based on case law at the Supreme Court and actually undermines the Constitutional rights ...
The state must protect the constitutional right to not attend religious instruction in schools
The Department of Education interferes in the Constitutional rights of parents through the NCCA second level Religious Education course. This course seeks to develop values in students to enable them to see the relevance of religion to their lives and relationships. When parents seek to exercise their Constitutional right for ...
Atheist Ireland letter to Public Accounts Committee October 2022
Atheist Ireland wrote this letter to the Public Accounts Committee on 18 October 2022 [pdf-embedder url="" title="AI to PAC Oct 2022"]
Department of Education misusing public funds by ignoring constitutional rights
Since last December, Atheist Ireland has been lobbying to vindicate the constitutional right to not attend religious instruction in schools, and to uphold parental authority in the education of their children, which the Supreme Court has described as a foundational pillar of the Constitution. You can read details here of our correspondence ...
Religious school ethos should not influence social, personal, and health education
Atheist Ireland has made the following submission to the NCCA's consultation on the updated junior cycle SPHE curriculum. The aim of the updated short course is 'to nurture students' self-awareness and positive self-worth and to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills, dispositions and values that will help them to create and ...
Public Accounts Committee letter to Atheist Ireland October 2022
The Public Accounts Committee wrote this letter to Atheist Ireland 10 October 2022. [pdf-embedder url="" title="PAC to AI Oct 2022"]
The State, not school boards, should directly protect the rights of minorities in schools
The term ethos/characteristic spirit is not defined in the Education Act 1998. It can and does mean different things to different Patron bodies, schools and teachers. The term 'ethos' is connected with the choice of parents in relation to the education of their children. Because the majority of parents of ...
Enoch Burke should be aware of the constitutional authority of parents in Irish schools
Today the High Court has ordered the arrest of Enoch Burke, a teacher in a Church of Ireland School, for breaching the terms of an injunction to not attend the school. He was suspended because of his behaviour at a religious service and dinner, but has continued to turn up for work. ...
Back to school and back to fighting for your rights
Children are heading back to school, and parents are again left in the position that they must negotiate their Constitutional rights with the school. This is what minorities have to put up with in our Republic. Schools give no practical application to our Constitutional rights, and the Department of Education, ...